What Tess Makes

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5 Reasons Why I Became A Cardmaker

My first card, 2014

When I started selling on Madeit, I was a card maker. There were a lot of handmade card sellers at that time. I just got my cutting machine. So it was a great way to optimise its use. I practically ‘Zing’ everything. Selling what I made was the result. But there are a number of reasons why I became a cardmaker.

1 | Passion

It all began with the love for paper. My fascination is collecting colorful gift wrappers and papers. I started a hobby doing scrapbooking back in the nineties. And that’s where things escalated. I made all kinds of paper projects - cards, invitations, party favours and packaging. Until now, I kept a considerable amount of cardstock and gift wraps from my favorite artists. I even brought in my craft supplies from overseas when we moved to Melbourne. There is a running joke at home that the only places I can be when the kids can’t find me would be at a craft store or stationery shop.

But why do I love paper so much? It’s because I get drawn to it visually. Colors and patterns give a different sense of high. I get inspired with all the combinations and beautiful designs. There are a lot of great artists nowadays. The more intricate it becomes, the more admirable a piece of art is.

2 | Inspiration

It is a chicken-and-egg kind of situation. I make cards to inspire and be inspired. It is a form of self-care, to be honest. That quiet time in creativity is calming and peaceful for me. I don’t know about you, but there is a much bigger cause happening than merely cutting and pasting.

3 | Connection

I am old school. I love sending handwritten notes to people I care about. It is thoughtful and very personalised. We used to attach post-its everywhere in our house to remind my family about things. Since the dawn of the digital age, all have been replaced by text messages. My kids are teens now and I always remind them that writing how they feel with a pen has more meaning to me. Next to telling me face-to-face. Being a GenX-er, I appreciate growing up without digital devices. But we can still inspire the new generation how to unplug. Well, the upside of the internet is that I get to share my message to you in this form.

4 | Appreciation

Sometimes we can’t say the words. The people are far away or we just can’t find an opportunity to be with the people we need to connect with. Cards help us express the words we want to say. It gives us relief that the message will be understood in that way. I send cards sometimes just because, for no occasion at all. It is just my way, I guess, that someone is remembered.

5 | Self-expression

I am the youngest of 7 kids. As a child, I have been alone most of the time. I entertain myself with watching Sesame Street, drawing cartoon strips, solving puzzles, imitating Olympic athletes in front of the TV, and playing with paper dolls. There was no indication I will be the creative type I am now.

But the thing is, I went on hiatus from creating for 5 years. I was at my lowest point. In other words, I lost motivation. However, I came out of it recharged. 2020 became a different year for me. I got my energy back and opened up a store again. This time on Etsy. This card was my comeback card under a new brand, renamed it WHAT TESS MAKES. I felt like this time, I’ll just be myself - colorful, quirky and very Filipino.

The Jeepney Card.

If you haven’t been to Manila, Philippines, let me introduce to you the iconic Pinoy (short for Filipino) means of transportation, the jeepney. Just like the trams of Melbourne or “tuktuk” in Thailand, this jeepney is everywhere in the Philippines. It runs as fast as it can possibly run (notwithstanding traffic). The more colorful, the better.

I moved to Australia some years ago and I feel that I am a jeepney travelling to see the world. This jeepney has changed its looks throughout the year, and have been a source of joy for some. It has been part of celebrations and milestones. I was so happy. It became more than a symbol for me. I reflected that this jeepney card will be with me everywhere I go, and will transform as it gets more influences from the places I see and experiences I gain. That’s the plan. But a lot has related to the jeepney during Covid year. It became too familiar and brought comfort. I love redesigning this jeepney card. You will find more of it in the shop.

Making art is self-expression. It is my way of sharing my personality and show what means to me. Color motivates and it affects our mood. With all these together, perhaps it will brighten someone’s day.

That’s it. We all have our reasons for what we want to be. And these are mine. Sending more love to you, Mamas. Stay vibrant always.


Tess xx