How to Organize Fabric Stash

Japanese inspired fabric collection, mostly bought from Spotlight

Hello Crafties!

I am still on home organization mode. I am taking one room at a time. Slow progress is still progress, as they say.

I have been getting tidy up tips from Netflix’ The Home Edit and Marie Kondo. The latter said not one room at a time, but more like one category at a time (i.e. books, towels, clothes, etc.) That way you get to see how much stuff you really have.

Starting small so not to be overwhelmed, I am going through my fabric stash and thinking how to organise them the way it will work for me. There is no other fabric stash in this house anyway except in this craftroom. I voted for the vertical stacking method. Since I don't want them getting dirty on open shelving, I placed them on baskets then pile vertically to see the colours. I would have put some hard cardstock inside each fabric but they are mostly full lengths still so no need. Plus I have separated the printed ones from solids. Wow, that's a quick fix. I will decide later on if the baskets are the best bet for the purpose. This will work for now.

When you are home, you see so many things to tinker on. I should say watching Netflix while ironing is a productive exercise after all. 😂 Thank you, ladies.

Not so ‘Marie Kondo’ yet but next dilemma is HOW TO ORGANIZE FABRIC SCRAPS.


Tess xx

These baskets are fine for now.

Vertical stacking for the win, and rainbow sequence, sort of.

Tess Angala

paper crafter, home baker, writer

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