DIY Mama All The Way

I have been baking my kids' birthday sweets for years. Can't seem to shake the DIY bug just yet.

It was my eldest 21st birthday yesterday. I decided to bake. I got some of my staples at Sweet Box near home. I used a recipe for plain chocolate cookies, topped with fondant. Mixed the white fondant with Chefmaster liquid gel in Baker's Rose color to create a bit of marbling effect. Then brushed with edible rose gold powder by Rolkem. Sweet. Got myself some Mondo number cookie cutters to update my supplies.

But first, here is the simple chocolate-based cookie recipe.

Super Chocolatey Cookies

Here’s what you’ll need to make 24 cookies:

10 oz | 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3.5oz | scant cup self-raising flour
2.5oz | 1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder
4 oz | 1/2 cup sugar
8 tbsps. salted butter, diced
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 large egg, lightly beaten


  1. Sift the flours and cocoa together into mixing bowl. Then add sugar and mix well.

  2. Add the butter. Using just tips of your fingers, rub together the ingredients until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

  3. When all the butter is evenly mixed in, make a well in the center and add the syrup and the egg.

  4. Mix well, drawing in any flour left at the sides of the bowl and stop as soon as a ball has formed.

  5. Place the dough onto your clean work surface. Divide into two and squash the dough in two even-sized flat disks. Cover and chill until ready to use, or roll out immediately.

  6. When rolling, place the dough on a two sheets of baking parchment. Gently roll the dough up to 1/4 inch thick. all over. Transfer to a baking sheet and chill a 20 minutes before cutting.

  7. Assemble the cookie shapes you intend to use. Pre-heat the oven to 350F before you begin cutting your cookies.

  8. Cut the dough and space out evenly in a baking sheet. Cook for 14-18 minutes, depending on your oven.

  9. When your cookies are evenly cooked, remove the baking sheets from the oven, and transfer the whole sheet of parchment to a cooling rack.

  10. Cool totally before storing or they will lose their crunch. and don’t ice when they are still warm because it will melt the icing.

  11. Store the cooked, cooled cookies between layers of parchment in a n airtight container. Keep this for until a week.

I miss baking because I got busy with the store. This is a welcome treat for all of us at home. Been missing the sound of my other teenager - the Kenwood mixer. 😅

Hope you had a great weekend, as much as we did. Take care and keep going, Mamas.

Tess xx

Tess Angala

paper crafter, home baker, writer

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Finally Out